TEXARKANA, Texas – The Texas A&M University-Texarkana department of Extended Education and Community Development (EECD) will be hosting a Master Gardener Seminar titled “Spring Vegetables” on March 13, 2023. The class will take place in University Center Room 326 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The event, hosted in conjunction with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the Bowie County Master Gardeners, is free and open to the public.
The March program will be presented by Bowie County Extension Agent Dr. Bryan Triplett. The spring gardening season is the most highly anticipated of the year by gardening enthusiasts, but determining which vegetable to plant at a specific time can be confusing for many. The Spring Vegetables seminar will answer many of these questions and provide early gardening tips to help plan the perfect spring garden.
For additional information about the 2023 Master Gardener Seminar Series please call the Bowie County Extension Office at 903-628-6702 or Emily Newsome, A&M-Texarkana EECD Coordinator, at 903-223-3039.