Child care funding allocations will help more lower income families and bolster business for providers
AUSTIN –Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is investing nearly $173 million for several child care initiatives to support Texas families and expand the child care industry. The initiatives include free business coaching for providers, additional funding for financial aid for lower income families in child care services, and assistance for launching employer-supported child care.
“The child care industry is essential to the success of the Texas economy,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “These strategic investments created by TWC support both businesses and families with Texas ingenuity and resourcefulness.”
Employers, child care and early learning providers, and families are encouraged to utilize the latest resources made available by TWC, including:
- Dedicated $12 million for TWC to procure technical assistance to employers exploring employer child care programs on-site or nearby. This funding will aid businesses in conducting a needs analysis and developing a business plan.
- Added $84 million in funding to expand capacity in child care deserts, infant care, and employer partnerships. Interest has been high for the initial expansion funding with more than 500 applications already approved, increasing capacity over 25,000 seats across Texas. Applications for employer-supported child care are still being accepted here through Nov. 30, 2023.
- Continued business coaching to benefit Texas child care providers, with nearly 2,000 businesses utilizing the free service since TWC began the program in 2021. Coaching services will be provided through 2024 with an additional $18 million. Request a business coach.
- Additional funding support for child care services will allow TWC to continue to support 140,000 children receiving daily child care services across Texas. Apply for financial assistance.
“Texas child care providers will continue to put these extra funds to good use through business coaching, and partnerships that create a successful and family-friendly business strategy,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “This funding also rewards innovation by giving our child care employers the necessary tools they need to expand their business plans.”
- Additionally, TWC will provide $2.7 million to Dallas College as a pilot to support degree completion by early childhood educators by developing a competency-based online core curriculum that will impact 500 early childhood educators by fall 2024.
- To ensure child care resources reach the necessary portions of the industry, TWC maintains child care by the numbers website. Approximately $1 million will support additional resources to make child care data, analytics and resources publicly available.
“Quality child care is a vital resource for a large portion of the labor force in the Lone Star State,” remarked TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III. “Supporting child care services not only supports the working parents, but also their children who are the future workforce of Texas.”
These allocations direct funding to initiatives created by TWC to support the child care industry and families. This is the final portion of the $5.9 billion allocated from federal stimulus funding. For more information about the child care relief funding and expanding initiatives, visit our website. TWC and its local Workforce Solutions partners serve parents and child care providers. For more on resources available, visit the TWC Child Care website.