From The Texarkana Texas Police Department Facebook Page.
Doctors, mayors, sheriffs, police chiefs, and fire chiefs from both sides of the state line came together this morning to talk about the catastrophic drug overdoses and deaths that have plagued our community over the last week.
Dr. Matt Young said that all of these deaths have been associated with the victims’ use of synthetic cannabinoid products. Regardless of what name you might know it by (K2, synthetic marijuana, bliss, legal weed, etc.), the bottom line is that it is an extremely dangerous drug – even on a good day. However, the stuff we are seeing right now has been impregnated with an illegal psychoactive synthetic chemical that apparently has the ability to kill you with one single use.
We know that these seven deaths are a great loss for their families and our community. However, we also see the seriousness and speed in which the situation needs to be addressed.
Please, please, PLEASE do not use any of the products. If you have any now, destroy them or drop them off in one of the drug drop boxes located around town. There’s one at Texarkana Emergency Center, behind the Bi-State Criminal Justice Center, and in front of the Miller County Sheriff’s Office.
Texarkana Texas Police Chief Kevin Schutte and Texarkana Arkansas Police Chief Michael Kramm are both asking that you reach out to us if you have any information about where this drug is coming from. You can even do it anonymously if you’d prefer. We’re only interested in your information, not who you are.
Our agenda is straightforward and simple. We are working together to save lives.