1783 – Domingo Cabello y Robles, Spanish governor of Texas, issued an ordinance, that imposed strict guidelines for the roundup, branding, and export of unbranded cattle.
1882 – Ima Hogg was born in Mineola, TX. She was the daughter of Texas governor James Stephen Hogg. She helped found the Houston Symphony Orchestra.
1900 – The state of Texas granted a charter to the Rosenberg Library Association of Galveston. The library was previously known as the Galveston Mercantile Library.
1998 – The Diocese of Dallas agreed to pay $23.4 million to nine former altar boys who said they had been molested by a priest.
In Texas, we have the death penalty, and we use it. That’s right. If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. – Ron White, comedian |