(AUSTIN) — With Texas voters preparing to weigh in on a proposed constitutional amendment to help finance water projects, Comptroller Glenn Hegar today announced the publication of his agency’s report, Texas Water: Present and Future Needs 2023 (PDF), which echoes critical water issues highlighted in the Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB) latest plan.
“This summer’s record-breaking heat has been absolutely brutal on all Texans and has clearly reinforced that our state must ensure we have adequate and reliable water supplies for the Texas economy to prosper and to guarantee economic opportunities for future generations,” said Hegar, a member of the board of advisers for the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas, a financial assistance program for water projects designed to conserve existing water supplies and create additional water supplies.
The 88th Legislature this year worked to support state and local stakeholders to ensure water needs are met. Senate Bill 28, the New Water Supply for Texas Fund, was passed to provide financial assistance to TWDB to fund water supply projects that create new water sources for the state, including desalination projects, produced water treatment projects, aquifer storage and recovery projects and the development of infrastructure to transport water that is made available by the new water supply projects. This fund will only be established if Texas voters approve Proposition 6 on Nov. 7.
“Extreme weather patterns, aging infrastructure and Texas’ daily net migration of 1,000 people necessitate increased attention to the state’s water supply,” Hegar said. “The Statewide Water Plan and this report set forth actionable strategies and projects that clearly demonstrate how Texas will withstand future droughts, and the New Water Supply for Texas Fund, if implemented, will help ensure a more secure water future for Texas.”