The entry is one of 13 winners in the “I Love My County Because” student art
competition. In an effort to bolster civic education and educate communities on the
role of county government, the National Association of Counties (NACo)
conducted an “I Love My County Because…” Student Art Contest. The program is
sponsored by Americans for the Arts, one of the nation’s largest arts advocacy and
research organizations. Artwork submissions are judged on technical skill,
creativity, along with the artist’s statement. Each year the art contest has a different
statement prompt. Entries are accepted from late April until late September with
winners announced in January.
Anna’s original artwork is featured in the 2024 calendar and in a gallery at NACo
headquarters in Washington, DC. Winners receive a copy of the calendar, a
certificate, and a $100 gift card. Anna’s piece is a watercolor depicting a stream
lined by trees and rocks similar to the TxDOT Atlanta campus.
NACo and county leaders help spread the word about county roles and
responsibilities, which are often unknown or misunderstood. By inviting children
and young adults K-12 to create artwork for the 2024 “Counties Matter” calendar,
NACo hopes to raise awareness about programs and services that impact people’s
daily lives. This month’s edition of CountyNews, a publication of the National
Association of Counties also features Anna’s artwork on the front page.