(AVINGER, TEXAS) — Wildflowers & Wine Saturday, April 29, in Avinger, Texas. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wine-
tasting opens 11 a.m., finest Texas wineries, $10 entry provides glass, wine bag. Canine beauty pageant,
10:30 a.m. Community parade, 4 p.m. Kids’ fishing hole. Prize raffle. Art & Photography Show. Music by 92.3
FM, The Depot. Event T-shirts for purchase in April. Visit avingertxchamber.org/wildflower-trails for details,
vendor and sponsor forms.
(AVINGER, TEXAS) — Art & Photography Show and Treasure Hunt, April 27-29. Avinger, Texas. Art &
Photography Show: adult and youth categories, cash awards, art delivery April 24, public show April 27-29.
Three-day Treasure Hunt, new clue daily, cash prize. Visit avingertxchamber.org/wildflower-trails for details
and entry forms.