Texarkana College opened its new training facility today for Electrical Technology and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) programs. The 15,000 sq. ft. building, named the McCulloch Industrial Technology Center, is equipped with state-of-the-art training tools that replicate the equipment used in today’s residential, commercial, and industrial construction projects. The McCulloch family, owners of Wholesale Electric Supply Company, Inc., donated funds to build the facility and helped provide training equipment for students. Chris McCulloch, Vice President of Wholesale Electric Supply Company, said his family is very excited for the opening of the building and what it will do for the community.

“This building positions Texarkana College at the forefront of industrial training for electrical and HVAC technology careers, and we couldn’t be prouder to be a part of it,” said McCulloch. “With this facility, a high school student or someone who wants to begin a new career, can come out of this program in two years with a skilled trade and make more money than some college graduates with traditional degrees. Having a marketable skill in these high-demand trades will set the students up for continued success.”
Dr. Jason Smith, TC President, said The McCulloch Industrial Technology Center will truly be a game-changer for students and for our regional workforce.
“We are fortunate to live in a community where business and industry leaders invest in education,” said Dr. Smith. “The McCulloch Family’s humble and gracious approach throughout this whole process has been truly inspiring and we are grateful for their support.”
Dr. Smith said community colleges in Texas provide 93% of workforce training in Texas.
“Community colleges are the best choice for students when it comes to choosing a training pathway that quickly leads to high paying jobs that provide secure financial futures,” said Dr. Smith. “With the opening of TC’s new training center, the future is brighter than ever for students who choose to pursue careers in electrical technology and HVAC. I want everyone to see how impressive this new training center is and the incredible equipment available to students for training right here on our campus.”
More than 250 guests attended the ceremony and heard comments from state and national officials including US Congressman Nathaniel Moran, Ray Wilson representing Texas Senator Bryan Hughes, and Texas Representative Dr. Gary VanDeaver. A special flag ceremony was held by US Congressman Pat Fallon’s representative, Gaye Beard, who presented a ceremonial flag flown above the US Capitol to the McCulloch family commemorating the date of the groundbreaking for the building project. Aaron Demerson, Texas Workforce Commissioner, also provided remarks in support of the training opportunities.
Instructors for the programs include Thomas Holt (Director of Workforce Education), Mark Rushing (Electrical Technology), and Matthew Lipps (HVAC). More information about the programs can be found online at www.texarkanacollege.edu. Photos from the event can be accessed here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjArH7b.