By Kate Stow
A local combat veteran has started a new business in Cass County. Sully’s Wood Company, LLC, is opened and operated by Casey Sullivan of Atlanta, and specializes in all aspects of home repair and remodel.
Born and raised in Atlanta, Sullivan moved with his mother to Louisiana as a teenager. There he joined the National Guard and deployed to Iraq with the 2-108 Cavalry Unit during 2010.
Upon his return, Sullivan went to work as a contractor and gained experience in all aspects of home remodeling – including carpentry, electric and plumbing work, flooring, landscaping, tree cutting and masonry.
In 2019 Sullivan returned home with wife, Courtney, and daughters Jemma and Jaci – both of whom attend Atlanta schools. He is a member of the J.E. Manning American Legion Post 258.
“Since moving home, I’ve observed the need for reliable home repair people here,” said Sullivan. “I have the experience and I’m ready to put it to use helping my hometown.”
Sully’s Wood Company, LLC is licensed, bonded and insured. According to Sullivan, he has been busy with many new projects scheduled and is looking to hire experienced workers.
For a free quote on any type of remodel, repair, or new project call 903-650-9799. To apply for a position in the company, email your resume to: Sullyswoodco@gmail.com—