1805 – Charlotte Allen was born. She is known as the “Mother of Houston.” Her and her brothers bought land along Buffalo Bayou to establish the town in 1836.
1879 – The state of Texas authorized selling state land for fifty cents an acre to reduce public debt and to pay into the Permanent School Fund. The Fifty Cent Act was repealed on January 22, 1883 due to fraudulent speculation in the land.
1890 – The San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway (SA&AP) went into receivership. In 1934, 819 miles of SA&AP track were merged into the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company.
1967 – Eddie Mathews (Houston Astros) hit his 500th career home run.
In Texas, we have the death penalty, and we use it. That’s right. If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. – Ron White, comedian |