TEXARKANA, TX—Tuesday, September 19th, marks the opening of From Their Texarkana to Our Texarkana: A Reimagining of Historic Texarkana Photographs. This exhibition features twelve artists reimagining photographs from the Texarkana Museums System archive. Artists who were assigned photos, created a new piece of artwork that is a response to the original photograph. This exhibition, taking place at the Regional Arts Center, is a creative celebration with Texarkana’s Sesquicentennial in mind. This exhibition will be on display through Saturday, November 25th.
Local artists featured in this exhibition are: Marshall Chandra, Mary Cyrus, Cindy Holmes, Amanda Langley, Lauren McKinney, Rachel Miller, Kayleigh Moreland, Cynthia Stone, Darlene Taylor, Chris Thomas, Agnes Tirrito, and Sydney Williams.
An auction and reception will be held at the Regional Arts Center on Saturday, November 11th from 6:30-8:00 PM. Come for a chance to bid on the actual artwork featured in this exhibition! Thank you to TRAHC, The Texarkana Museums System, and The TXK150 Committee for sponsoring this exhibition.
The Regional Arts Center is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm and, like all of TRAHC’s visual art exhibits, is FREE to the public. School and civic group tours are available upon request.