Texas Govenror Greg Abbott has appointed five individuals to the State Independent Living Council. These include Lisa Thompson, Juanita Webber, and Erin Bowden, with Bonnie Notargiacomo and Melva Henderson being reappointed. Thompsons term is set to end on June 20,2025. The Council’s purpose is to develop the State Plan for Independent Living and provide resources on independent living for people with disabilities.
Lisa Thompson, from Atlanta, serves as the External Affairs Officer for the City of Texarkana, Texas and teaches at the University of Arkansas Hope- Texarkana. She is member of the Board of Directors for Opportunities, Inc., a 501c3 organization of dedicated, committed people who believe in the promise and potential of children and adults with disabilities.
“I couldn’t be more excited to serve the State of Texas in this capacity,” Thompson said. “Not only is it a chance to help make an impact for people with disabilities, but it’s a great chance to shed a light on all the wonderful things already happening in Texarkana and Northeast Texas in the area of disability services.”
Thompson received a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from the University of Central Arkansas and a Master of Public Service from the University of Arkansas William J. Clinton School of Public Service. Additionally, she received a Certificate of Public Communication from Texas Christian University and a Certificate of Public Management from Texas State University.
Thompson is also a member of the Industrial Asset Management Council, International Economic Development Council, Texas Economic Development Council, Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers, Atlanta Tourism Committee, Texarkana Arts & Historic District Committee, Atlanta Hometown Christmas Committee, and the TXK 150 Planning Committee. She is a member and volunteer at the First Baptist Church of Queen City and a freelance writer for local magazine publications.
She is married to Brad, a firefighter for the Texarkana Texas Fire Department and the two have three sons, Porter, 14, Fischer, 10 and Fletcher, 4.
For more Information, contact Thompson at Lisa.thompson@texarkanatexas.