TxDOT Deputy Executive Directors Brian Barth & Brandye Hendrickson, Extra Mile Award recipient Elton Bolden,
Texas Transportation Commissioner W. Alvin New, Texas Transportation Commissioner Alejandro “Alex” G.
Meade III and Texas A&M Board of Regents Chairman Bill Mahomes
While waiting to move equipment earlier this year, Bolden’s trailer was hit by a vehicle that burst into flames. Bolden immediately jumped into action to rescue the motorist from the burning vehicle. “I knew whoever was in the vehicle had to be hurt,” Bolden said. “I was wearing my seat belt and was okay, but it shook me up.” Bolden’s quick, courageous actions helped save the driver’s life.
“Elton acted quickly and demonstrated not only courage, but selflessness,” said Atlanta District Engineer Rebecca Wells. “I am proud of the way he reacted to this serious situation. He is a wonderful example of the caring, dedicated people that make up the TxDOT family.”